AACOM Accessibility Statement

The Association is dedicated to ensuring that osteopathic medical education (OME) is an inclusive and accessible profession distinguished by rigorous educational requirements, high professional standards, a strict code of professional ethics and a commitment to serving the public interest. The Association is committed to removing barriers and ensuring that all professionals, students, residents and fellows and other members of the public with an interest in the profession or joining the profession, including those with disabilities, have access to the profession and the Association's website, products and services. This commitment is maintained in accordance with applicable law.

The Association recognizes that an accessible information technology environment enhances the usability of its website, products and services for everyone. The Association seeks to be proactive rather than reactive to issues relating to ensuring the accessibility of its website, educational materials, products and services. To achieve our goal of accessibility, the Association is committed to the following:

  • This policy applies to all new, updated and existing web content on this website. The Association aims to conform with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (“WCAG”) 2.0 AA published by World Wide Web Consortium (the “Guidelines”). The Association monitors WCAG on an ongoing basis for updates and changes to the Guidelines. The Association recognizes that technology is dynamic and this Policy will be updated as necessary as technology and accessibility-related issues evolve.

  • The Association ensures that individuals with visual and hearing impairments, as well as other disabilities, can access the Association's website, educational materials, products and services as follows:
    • The Association strives continually to ensure that its website pages and features are appropriately accessible and compatible with screen readers. For example, the Association works to confirm that text alternatives are provided for all non-text content, its website is accessible by keyboard only, text can be resized up to 200% without loss of content or function and that clear and helpful webpage titles are always available. Please contact AACOM Webmaster to flag any accessibility issues encountered when navigating the Association website.
    • To request additional disability-related accommodations related to the Association's website, products (including in-person conferences) and services, please contact support at  AACOM Webmaster.
    • As part of its ongoing commitment to excellent member and customer service, the Association will endeavor to accommodate all such requests and will always do so where legally required. Accommodations will be made in a timely manner and on an individualized basis.

      Please direct any questions or suggestions on how to improve our accessibility to  AACOM Webmaster. We welcome and encourage your feedback!