Motion Animations to Demonstrate Musculoskeletal Functioning

All of the animations will be more easily understood if they can be repeated at least once. In the classroom they illustrate the point better when put on continuous repeat and then stop the motion when necessary to illustrate a specific point.

A Flexion Vertebral Dysfunction

Purpose: Illustrates the mechanics of a somatic dysfunction if a facet, in this case the inferior facet of the top vertebra (the one closest to the camera) becomes restricted in flexion. The position is “normal” i.e. not palpable in flexion but becomes obvious, and easily palpable, in extension.  Explains why the naming convention of the dysfunction seems to be the reverse of the findings, e.g. if you find it in extension it is a flexion dysfunction.

Normal Vertebral Motion in Extension

Purpose: Illustrate the relative positions of the facets and vertebral motion in normal extension of the vertebral column.

Standing Flexion Test, Lateralizing to the Left

Purpose: Illustrate the standing flexion test on a patient with multiple problems. Note the changes in the vertebral column as the patient bends forward and has a slight rotoscoliotic “hump” at the end but the primary purpose of the exercise is to evaluate sacroiliac dysfunction. In the final stage the left PSIS is superior, indicating the somatic dysfunction is on the left, the side on which the PSIS moves last.  

Cranial Motion that Results in a “Sidebending Rotation” Somatic Dysfunction, with Axes

Purpose: Illustrate the complex motions of the occiput and sphenoid that result in a “sidebending rotation” somatic dysfunction. Both vertical and anterior-posterior axes of each bone are illustrated, light green for the sphenoid and purple for the occiput.  The motion of the sphenoid is rotation to the left while sidebending to the right. The corresponding motions of the occiput are rotation to the right while sidebending to the right. 

Right Anterior Innominate Motion

Purpose: Illustrates the relationship between normal innominate motion, in this case anterior rotation, and the corresponding motion of the sacrum, rotation about a right axis.  

Setup for a Muscle Energy Treatment of the Sacrum

Purpose: Illustrates a simple way to get the patient in an appropriate position for a muscle energy treatment of a sacral torsion with the right axis down. The blue pointer indicates pushing or stabilizing the right thigh while the maroon symbol indicates pulling at the ankles. The end result is the patient is most of the way to a right lateral Sims position, the preferred treatment position, with a minimum of time consuming effort on the part of the patient. 

Sideslip Motion of the Occiput on C1, the Atlas

Purpose: Part of a sequence of occipital motions which, when grouped together, illustrate the complex motion of the occiput on the atlas. This motion is only one of those motions, the sidebending/side sideslip motion of the condyles of the occiput (green) on the superior articular facets of the atlas, C1 (light blue). 

Posterior Innominate Motion with Related Sacral Motion

Purpose: Intended to build upon the relationship of innominate diagnosis, in this case an inferior PSIS and anterior ASIS, with the motion of the sacrum, a physiologic left on left motion which, if restricted. would become a somatic dysfunction, a left on left sacral torsion which may be the cause of or the result of the posterior innominate also being restricted.

Bilateral Sacral Flexion

Purpose: Illustrates the motion of a bilateral sacral flexion, the sacral base moves forward, but also the corresponding movement of the lower lumbar spine. Can be used to explain why there is motion during the lumbosacral spring test, e.g. a “negative” spring test. 

Motion of the Jaw Deviating Left on Opening

Purpose: Intended to illustrate one of the jaw motions, opening, that can be treated using muscle energy to the lateral pterygoid muscles. Part of a series on TMJ. 

Left Superior Shear of the Innominate

Purpose: Illustrates the motion of the left innominate in a shear pattern, the whole bone moving superior. Related motions of the sacrum and lumbar vertebra are, to a lesser degree, illustrated. 

Sacral Motion Through the Gait Cycle

Purpose: Normal gait cycle mechanics of the sacrum, innominates and lumbar spine. Normal physiologic motion of both left on left and right on right at different phases of the gait cycle is illustrated. When there is a restriction, it becomes a somatic dysfunction, specifically a forward sacral torsion, either left on left or right on right. 

Flexion and Extension of the Sphenobasilar Synchrondrosis

Purpose: Motion of the occiput and sphenoid in cranial flexion and extension with related motions of the vomer and ethmoid. 

Rotation of C2 on C3

Purpose: Illustrates the coupled motions of rotation and sidebending of C2 (yellow) on C3 (green). Type II mechanics, sidebending and rotation in the same direction. In this case, sidebending left and rotation left.

Bucket Handle Motion - On the Right - Of the Lower Ribs

Purpose: On the right side of the rib cage the expansion of the rib cage illustrates the motion of the lower ribs, the “bucket handle” motion. The sternum is also in motion illustrating the “pump” handle motion. Ignore the left rib cage. 

Right on Right Torsion

Purpose: Starting with an expansion of the innominates and the sacrum, the motion of a right on right sacral torsion is demonstrated. Also note the relative movements of the ilia and, to a lesser degree, the lumbar vertebra. This is normal sacral motion as part of the gait cycle. 

Skeletal Asymmetry 2

Purpose: As an introduction to the “scan” part of physical assessment. Illustrates several somatic dysfunctions. When introduced to students, the comment was usually, “As the camera pans down the vertebral column, look for the change in direction of the spinous processes. Also note the subtle curvature of the vertebral column.” Both sidebending and rotation of vertebra are illustrated.

Lateral Rotation of the Lower Leg

Purpose: Illustrates the relative positions of the foot and ankle in external rotation of the lower leg.  

Cranial Motion of Sidebending and Rotation

Purpose: The illustration has three phases. The first phase begins with simple rotation of the sphenoid and occiput on their vertical axes, sphenoid left/occiput right, followed by sidebending  of both bones to their right on their AP axes. In the third phase, the motions are repeated but now combined as sidebending and rotation all in one movement.  

An Extension Vertebral Dysfunction

Purpose: Illustrate the mechanics of somatic dysfunction if a facet, in this case the right inferior facet of the top vertebra, (the one closest to the camera) becomes restricted in extension. The position is “normal” i.e. not palpable in extension but becomes obvious, and easily palpable, in flexion. Explains why the naming convention of the dysfunction seems to be the reverse of the findings, e.g. if you find it in flexion it is an extension dysfunction.

Vertebral and Rib Motion

Purpose: Part of a series on rib dysfunctions indicating how a rib may be the cause or the result of a vertebral somatic dysfunction. Illustrates simple vertebral rotation to the right, drawing the corresponding rib posterior on the right.