Food as Medicine Grant Awardees

Congratulations to the Food as Medicine Grant Winners

AACOM is proud to support our member COMs in integrating nutrition education into osteopathic medical training. This grant advances curriculum development, experiential learning and clinical training in nutritional counseling.

Congratulations to the recipients whose innovative programs will enhance patient care through nutrition. We look forward to their impact on the future of holistic, patient-centered care!


An Interdisciplinary Approach to Food as Medicine and Obesity Medicine Training in CME: A Culinary Medicine Hands-On Workshop: Integrating Nutrition Education Across the Medical Education Continuum

Research Question: How does incorporating a hands-on, interdisciplinary culinary medicine workshop improve osteopathic medical students and healthcare professionals understanding and integration of nutrition counseling into patient care?

  • Primary Investigator:
    Bernadette Riley, DO, MS
    New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYIT-COM)

Enhancing Medical Students’ Competence in Nutrition through Culinary Medicine: A Pilot Study in Pediatric Populations from Rural Communities

Research Question: How does a brief culinary medicine curriculum affect the nutrition knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, and self-efficacy of first year osteopathic medical students, specifically in teaching nutrition education to pediatric populations from rural, underserved areas of Arkansas?

  • Primary Investigator:
    Donald D. Simpson, PhD, MPH
    Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine (ARCOM)
  • Co-Investigators:
    Carol Morreale, PharmD, MPH, MS, BCGP, ARCOM
    Blake Metcalf, DCN, RD, LD, CCMS, FAND, ARCOM

Food as Medicine in Maine (FaMM): A University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine Initiative

Research Question: Can we design a scalable Food as Medicine Certificate Program that engages students through experiential learning and community engagement?

  • Primary Investigator:
    Stacey Pierce-Talsma, DO
    University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine (UNE COM)
  • Co-Investigators:
    Eliza Grlickova-Duzevik, MD, MS, PhD, UNE COM
    Douglas Spicer, PhD, M.MEdL, UNECOM
    Varun Kota, Osteopathic Medical Student, UNE COM
    Chris Callaway, PhD, UNE COM
    Heather Sharkey DO, UNE COM
    Emily Adrienne Estell MPH, RDN, LD, UNE COM

From Classroom to Clinic: The Role of Hands-On Food Demonstrations in Shaping Osteopathic Medical Students' Nutrition Competence

Research Question: Do hands-on food demonstrations enhance medical students' knowledge, confidence, and preparedness to discuss nutrition with patients, and what are its immediate and long-term effects on their attitudes toward integrating nutritional advice in clinical practice?

  • Primary Investigator:
    Farzaneh Daghigh
    Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM)
  • Co-Investigator:
    Olivia Smith, Osteopathic Medical Student, PCOM

Integration of an Innovative Virtual Culinary Medicine Curriculum into Undergraduate Clinical Medical Education

Research Question: Does integration of an innovative virtual culinary medicine curriculum into undergraduate clinical medical education provide applicable competencies and clinical skills for osteopathic medical students using a vertical integration strategy?

  • Primary Investigators:
    Traci Stevenson, DO
    Grace Marie Jones, PhD
    Touro University California College of Osteopathic Medicine (TUCOM-CA)

Moving Food Forward in Osteopathic Education

Research Question: Can nutrition education be improved with a multifaceted integrative approach?

  • Primary Investigator:
    Kamilah Ali, PhD
    Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine – Harlem (TouroCOM-Harlem)
  • Co-Investigator:
    Jacquelyn English, DO, MPH, TouroCOM-Harlem

Perceptions and Impact of Nutrition Education and Outreach on Osteopathic Medical Students and the Local Community

Research Question: Are osteopathic medical students who are educated in nutrition and engaged in community nutrition opportunities more aware of nutrition as medicine and engaged in using nutrition in clinical practice?

  • Primary Investigator:
    Amberly Reynolds, PhD
    Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine (RVUCOM)
  • Co-Investigators:
    Rene Hooper, Osteopathic Medical Student, RVUCOM
    Kalin Sorenson, Osteopathic Medical Student, RVUCOM
    Laura Rosch, DO, CS, MS, FACOI, RVUCOM