Become a Fellow/FAQs

Applications for the 2024-2025 cycle are now closed. More information on the next class will be posted in spring 2025.

Curriculum Overview      


Application for a maximum of 12 fellowship positions is competitive. Applicants are expected to demonstrate five or more years of experience in professional settings in addition to their practice (i.e., a minimum of five years post-residency), and demonstrate a substantive interest in policy issues. The minimum requirements for non-physician applicants are a bachelor’s degree (graduate degree preferred), a minimum of five years’ experience in their field, and a demonstrated history of interest in policy issues. Most successful non-physician applicants will have an appointment at an osteopathic institution, such as a college, healthcare setting, foundation, or state or regional association. Applicants with exceptional experience differing from the above guidelines will be considered on an individual basis. 

Program Requirements

To complete the program, Fellows must participate actively in all sessions and complete all assignments. Two health policy issue analysis briefs developed during the program must be submitted by the due dates identified in the syllabus. 

Accomodations and Financial Arrangements

There is no program fee. The program provides breakfast and lunch on meeting days. Fellows or their sponsoring institutions are responsible for travel, accommodations, all other meals, and other incidental costs. To promote the objectives of the Fellowship, fellows are required to stay at group-booked hotels. In a typical year, these costs average $1,800 per each of the six face-to-face sessions, for a total commitment estimated at $11,000. The Co-Directors are committed to making the program costs as reasonable as possible.



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If you have any questions about becoming a Fellow please email us at