EPAs Interest Group
AACOM's Core Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) Steering Committee and EPA Interest Group
- Advance excellence in osteopathic medical education through continued innovation and implementation of Core Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in osteopathic medical education.
- Support the broad-based needs identified across all COMs for effective EPA implementation.
- Provide a structure and support to develop, use, promote, and share EPAs across four areas: Resources, Faculty Development, Assessment/Instrumentation, and Curriculum.
Key Resources
Research Papers
From the Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
- Status of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) Implementation at Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine in the United States and Future Considerations
Authors: Machelle Linsenmeyer, Leslie Wimsatt, Mark Speicher, Pamela Basehore and Patricia S. Sexton
- Assessment Considerations for Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency
Authors: Machelle Linsenmeyer , Leslie Wimsatt , Mark Speicher , James Powers , Stephen Miller and Emmanuel Katsaros
AACOM’s EPAs initiative is facilitated with the support of SOME and NAOME.
EPAs Steering Committee
The work of this committee is divided into 4 subcommittees. Each subcommittee works with EPAs Liaison Group members to meet their specific charges.
Resources Subcommittee
Charge: Develop and manage the process for disseminating
identified resources via AACOM Communities; Find additional resources that will supplement the resources identified by the other subcommittees.
Faculty Development Subcommittee
Charge: Identify and develop faculty development products that address osteopathic considerations and support the implementation of EPAs across all COMs.
Assessment/Instrumentation Subcommittee
Charge: Identify existing EPA assessment instruments
and develop novel instruments, simulations, rubrics, etc. that address osteopathic considerations to advance the assessment of EPAs across all four years of UGME training and to support collaboration and data collection across COMs.
Curriculum Subcommittee
Charge: Identify existing EPA curriculum resources and develop
novel curriculum materials that address osteopathic considerations to advance the integration of EPAs into teaching and instruction across all COMs.
EPAs Liaison Group
The EPAs Liaison Group supports all aspects of EPAs in osteopathic medical education and works with the above subcommittees to develop and disseminate EPA resources to the osteopathic medical education community. A dean-appointed liaison from each U.S. college of osteopathic medicine (COM) participates in this group to help further the work of the subcommittees.
Medical educators are invited to join this free online community to engage in discussion, participate with the subcommittees, and use and share resources.