Academic Careers: An Academic Medicine Writing Fellowship Program for Medical Students, Residents, Fellows and Faculty

March 21, 2024 6:00 PM

AOGME Recorded Webinar

This AOGME Academic Careers webinar highlights an academic medicine writing fellowship program at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine.

This online one-year fellowship is available to medical students, residents, fellows and faculty members, and it will provide an introduction to the following:

  • Opportunities to publish in medical education journals
  • Components and best practices to submitting a project to MedEdPORTAL
  • Work in a team to submit a scholarly project to MedEdPORTAL

Fellows will acquire core knowledge and skills through online individual and group learning sessions, one-on-one advising sessions with fellowship co-directors and advising by diverse authors who have successfully published in MedEdPORTAL.


  • Describe an academic medicine fellowship program
  • Discuss process for integration of the program
  • Describe challenges and lessons learned
  • Discuss perspectives from an Academic Medicine Fellow


  • Cheryl Dickson, MD, MPH, chief diversity officer, associate dean for health equity, professor of pediatrics and adolescent medicine, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
  • Dimitri Tito, DO, assistant professor, division of hospital medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine/Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center


View the Building the Next Generation of Academic Physicians Inc Factsheet: BNGAP FactSheet