Celebrating 150 Years of Osteopathic Medicine

Published June 24, 2024

By AACOM Government Relations

Advocacy Healthcare Workforce OME Advocate Osteopathic Recognition

In 1874, Dr. Andrew Taylor Still founded osteopathic medicine, and on June 22, 2024, we celebrate the 150th anniversary of this pioneer and his holistic medical approach. A physician and surgeon, Dr. Still was also an author, inventor and a state and territorial legislator in Kansas. His groundbreaking work laid the foundation for modern osteopathic medicine, emphasizing the body's natural ability to heal itself.

"In 1874, a rural physician dared to think bigger to help his community and his country. Dr. Still's vision, dedication, determination and personal loss motivated him to address the inadequacies he observed in healthcare. After losing his first wife to childbirth, three children to spinal meningitis, another child to pneumonia and recalling his grim experiences as a Civil War doctor, Dr. Still could not ignore the shortcomings of the medical methods he was taught. It is time once again for all of us, DOs and MDs, to do the same." -Robert A. Cain, DO, AACOM president and CEO

Join us in commemorating a century and a half of osteopathic medicine's enduring legacy and its continued impact on healthcare worldwide by listening to the voices of patients who’ve experienced the difference DOs provide.