Why Dr. Rue Supports Equal Acceptance of COMLEX and USMLE

Published June 10, 2024

By AACOM Government Relations

Advocacy Federal Policy GME GME Funding Healthcare Workforce OME Advocate Osteopathic Recognition

Katina Rue, DO, past president of the Washington State Medical Association, reflects on her time as an osteopathic medical student as she prepared for the residency process. She remembers her anxiety and stress increasing “tenfold” as she studied for the COMLEX. Now a program director of Trios Health Family Medicine Residency Program in Kennewick, Washington, Dr. Rue sees the troubling trend of DO students taking both the USMLE and COMLEX, with DO students spending more than $3,000 for an exam that does not reflect osteopathic training and is unnecessary for licensure. Dr. Rue calls on lifting the excessive barriers that prevent DOs from serving the communities that need them the most.

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