Dr. Acosta Begins Term as AOGME Chair; Call for Sessions: 2025 ACGME/AOGME Osteopathic Recognition Full-Day Course
Published May 29, 2024
By Juan Acosta, DO, MS
May 29, 2024
I want to thank Dr. Sandra Snyder for successfully leading AOGME as Chair for the past two years. Her leadership has been instrumental in shaping the future of AOGME and osteopathic GME. As my term as Chair begins, I am committed to continuing Dr. Snyder’s efforts to increase membership and engagement in AOGME and enhance AOGME’s impact on the medical education continuum.
In early June, AOGME will hold its annual AOGME Board Retreat, where the AOGME Board will explore critical issues impacting the graduate-level osteopathic learning environment and identify opportunities to advance the work of AOGME over the upcoming year. Also, the current AOGME strategic plan will be reviewed, its progress over the past year assessed, and any changes to the plan will be discussed and finalized.
Feedback Requested: CMS FY2025 IPPS Proposed Rule Comments Due June 4
AACOM requests your feedback on GME-related provisions in the recently published FY25 CMS Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) proposed rule. In summary, these provisions involve the proposed distribution methodology for an additional 200 GME slots by FY26 and modifications to the criteria for new residency programs. To assist, you may view AACOM's analysis of these provisions here.
We ask you to please review these provisions and provide your recommendations on how implementation can be structured to maximize benefit to the OME community. We will review your feedback for potential inclusion in AACOM's response to CMS. Your responses to aogme@aacom.org are appreciated by COB on June 4.
When providing your comments, please cite the relevant section of law. Bullet points are preferred. Below is an example format for your reference.
- CMS section
- Comments/concerns on proposed section
- Recommendations for improvement
Thank you very much for your collaboration on this important issue. We value your GME expertise! Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Upcoming AOGME Educational Programs
Best Practices for Osteopathic Neuromusculoskeletal Medicine Programs
Join us today at 4:00 PM ET for a webinar on best practices for osteopathic neuromusculoskeletal medicine (ONMM) programs. This webinar will cover the current status of ONMM programs and will delve into best practices for establishing such programs under the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accreditation requirements. This webinar will feature a diverse panel, including an expert from the ACGME, an ONMM program director and a seasoned educator well-versed in Osteopathic Recognition. Register for the webinar.
Osteopathic Recognition Study: A Concurrent Mixed-Methods Approach
On June 12 at 4:00 PM ET, AACOM will host a webinar on a mixed-methods study of Osteopathic Recognition conducted by the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS) and funded by the Osteopathic Heritage Foundations. The study seeks to understand interest and barriers to apply and maintain Osteopathic Recognition. Join the USUHS Research Team, who led this 18-month research project, as they present key findings from the study. Register for the webinar.
Call for Sessions: 2025 ACGME/AOGME Osteopathic Recognition Full-Day Course
The ACGME announces a Call for Sessions for the ACGME/AOGME Osteopathic Recognition Full-Day Course, which will be held on Thursday, February 20, 2025 in Nashville, Tennessee, as part of the 2025 ACGME Annual Educational Conference. All sessions will be presented in person in Nashville. The target audience for this course includes Directors of Osteopathic Education (DOEs), designated institutional officials, program directors, osteopathic faculty members, designated osteopathic residents and fellows and coordinators. The session proposal submission period is now open and will close on Wednesday, June 12 at 12:00 PM CT. View more information and submit a session proposal.
Academic Careers Roadmap: GME Program Pathway
On June 18 at 4:00 PM ET, Sandra Snyder, DO, AOGME Immediate Past Chair and Program Director of the Cleveland Clinic Family Medicine Residency Program, will present a webinar that highlights a roadmap to pursuing a career in academic medicine at a GME program. This educational session will describe the journey of a residency program director and a potential pathway for residents and students. The session will present tips and guidance on how to plan early for an academic career, the value of mentors and growing faculty from within. Register for the webinar.
Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with direct inquiries by emailing aogme@aacom.org or calling us at 301-657-7881.
Thank you for your continued engagement and
dedication to AOGME!
Thank you,

Juan Acosta, DO, MS
Chair, AOGME