Final Call for Collegium of Fellows Applications; Call for Nominations for Two Open Positions on the AOGME Board

Published November 27, 2023


Sandra SnyderBy Sandra Snyder, DO
AOGME Chair 

November 27, 2023

We wish you all a happy start to the holiday season! We would like to thank you all for your engagement and continued support of AOGME. There are several professional development and leadership opportunities highlighted in this letter, so please consider them.

Collegium of Fellows Applications: Final Reminder

As a final reminder, please consider joining AOGME’s Collegium of Fellows, which is an honor recognizing long and meritorious service to AOGME and the osteopathic profession. The status of Fellow is awarded for life, and when awarded, the recipient is entitled to use the initials FAOGME following his/her name and degree. Applications must be received by Friday, December 1, 2023. Learn more about the Collegium of Fellows.

AACOM and AIAMC Executive Summary on the Evolving Landscape of Medical Education

AACOM and the Alliance of Independent Academic Medical Centers (AIAMC) recently published an executive summary that captures a discussion held in June 2023 on the evolving landscape of medical education and the future of community hospitals within medical education. The challenges highlighted include finding dedicated faculty and preconceived notions about community-based education. Opportunities highlighted include building curriculum designed with the community in mind rather than using the community setting to fulfill an educational requirement. The importance of prioritizing community partnerships, performance tracking and data sharing were discussed as best practices. Read the executive summary and view a recording of the discussion.

Call for Nominations: Two Open AOGME Board Positions

The AOGME Nominations Committee is seeking nominations for the Secretary/Treasurer position, an officer position, and At-large Member position on the AOGME Board. Individuals may self-nominate. The board member elections will be for a two-year term of office beginning in 2024 after the Annual Business Meeting. The deadline to submit nominations is Friday, December 29, 2023. View eligibility requirements and nomination materials to submit.

Register for the 2024 AOGME/ACGME Osteopathic Recognition Full-Day Course Pre-conference Workshop

Registration is now open for the ACGME Annual Education Conference in Orlando, Florida, March 7–9, 2024. AOGME continues its partnership with the ACGME on the Osteopathic Recognition (OR) Pre-conference Course, to be held on Thursday, March 6. This pre-conference course is intended to support programs with or applying for OR. It will feature speakers from programs with OR and will cover a range of topics, including osteopathic faculty development, barriers to achieving OR, the role of the Director of Osteopathic Education, responsibilities of the ACGME Osteopathic Recognition Committee, OR site visits and more. Learn more and register today.

SNMA Seeks DO Physicians and Resident Physicians for its 2024 Annual Conference Programming

The Osteopathic Schools Committee of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is recruiting DO physicians and resident physicians for DO-oriented programming for its 2024 Annual Medical Education Conference (AMEC). The event will connect students with both DO physicians and resident physicians to gain knowledge of specialties and career paths. Volunteers are also sought for a session during which pre-medical students will learn about the clinical uses of osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) and DO students can see applications of OMM outside of the lab. If interested, please fill out the signup form or email

AOGME Webinar Series
Webinar Recordings Available

On November 8, 2023, AOGME hosted a webinar titled, Unlocking Interpersonal Conflict: Pitfalls & Possibilities, featuring Sara Kim, PhD, associate dean for educational quality improvement and research professor at University of Washington School of Medicine. The webinar outlined the impact of healthcare conflict. In this webinar, Dr. Kim provided an overview of this issue and presented a recommended dialogue model to apply to conflict situations. View the webinar recording.

Upcoming Webinars

Be sure to join us for several upcoming webinars of the AOGME Webinar Series. Upcoming webinar topics include rural psychiatry residency program development and more. On Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 4:00 PM ET, Daniel Elswick, MD, program director of the West Virginia University psychiatry residency program, and Christopher Francazio, MBA, principal and founder of PKFHealth, LLC, will present a webinar on developing rural psychiatry residency programs. In this webinar, Dr. Elswick and Mr. Francazio will describe the different types of rural psychiatry residency programs, highlight rural training policy changes and available resources and discuss barriers and opportunities for developing psychiatry programs, including faculty recruitment and clinical education delivery. Register for the webinar.

Monthly Membership Discussions

Join us on Wednesday, November 29 at 4:00 PM ET for the next monthly AOGME membership discussion opportunity (rescheduled from November 15, 2023). This is an opportunity to connect with peers and raise topics for feedback or discussion. Please contact us at if you have any questions or have not received a meeting invitation.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with direct inquires by emailing or calling us at 301-657-7881.

Thank you,

Sandra Snyder, DO
Chair, AOGME