The Look Ahead; GME Development and Community-Based Teaching Hospitals Forums
Published May 31, 2023
By Sandra Snyder, DO
May 31, 2023
AOGME kicked off the month hosting a webinar featuring the AAMC ERAS team on updates to the application for the 2024 residency recruitment cycle, program signaling and geographic preferences. This is a challenging time for residency programs, schools and students as we navigate rapid changes in the transition to residency, but AOGME is here to help. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or suggestions on how we can support you as you journey through this transition.
Apply Today: AACOM Research Grant Opportunity: Interviewing for Residency Due May 31
AACOM is providing a research grant opportunity of up to $5,000 to collect data and analysis on the impact of interview format, such as virtual interviewing, on learners, residency programs, different specialties, and the overall transition to residency. AACOM is particularly interested in virtual interviewing data and research of osteopathic medical students and students in distributed models of clinical education, underrepresented minorities in medicine and residency programs in community-based, medically underserved rural and urban settings. Data on the impact of interview format on match outcomes and overall experience/preference by interview type are encouraged. The deadline to submit research proposals is Wednesday, May 31, 2023. Please share widely within your networks. View more information and submit a proposal.
Residents and Fellows: Join us for the RFC Virtual Ice Cream Social Event on June 12!
We are thrilled to invite all AOGME Residents and Fellows Council (RFC) members to our upcoming virtual ice cream social event on Monday, June 12, 2023, at 7:00-8:00 PM ET. During this event, you can expect to engage in ice-breaking activities to get to know colleagues, interactive group discussions and ample opportunities to network, exchange experiences and build relationships. We encourage you to invite your colleagues, as this event is open to all residents and fellows within your organization – the more, the merrier! Register today!
Evolving Landscape of Medical Education: Where do IAMCs and Community-Based Teaching Hospitals Fit in this Ever-Changing Space?
The Alliance of Independent Academic Medical Centers (AIAMC) and AACOM are presenting a three-hour program in June on articulating the value of community-based education and healthcare. This informative and interactive program will include learning about trends in community-based hospitals, articulating the value of what we do, as well as sharing experiences and identifying new opportunities for community-based education programs. The three-hour session features an opening, brief lecture followed by large and small group exercises. The program will conclude with a shared value proposition and elevator pitch for attendees to communicate to their C-Suites and other leaders. The program will be held on June 13, 2023, at 1:00–4:00 PM ET. Register today.
Register Today: AACOM/AOGME GME Development Institute
Join us on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, at 1:00–4:00 PM ET for the AOGME Council of GME Leaders' first GME Development Institute, a 3-hour virtual event that will provide the latest information, best practices, resources, and education on GME growth in medically underserved areas. Learn about successful models for GME growth, federal and state funding opportunities, and strategies, how to form consortia to support GME growth, growing GME in primary care and non-primary care specialties, identifying hospitals that are prime for GME development and more. Space is limited. Register here.
Call for Sessions/Abstracts for the 2024 ACGME/AOGME Osteopathic Recognition Full-Day Course
The ACGME is currently accepting session proposals for the 2024 ACGME/AOGME Osteopathic Recognition Full-Day Course to be held Thursday, March 7, 2024, in Orlando, Florida as part of the 2024 ACGME Annual Educational Conference. All sessions will be presented in person in Orlando. The target audience for this course includes Directors of Osteopathic Education (DOE), designated institutional officials, program directors, osteopathic faculty members, designated osteopathic residents and fellows, and coordinators. The deadline to submit session proposals is Monday, June 12, 2023, at 12:00 PM CT. View more information and submit a proposal.
AOGME Webinar Series
On Wednesday, June 28, 2023, at 4:00–5:00 PM ET, Shiby Abraham, MD, will present a webinar on moral injury among physicians. In this webinar, she will differentiate between burnout, moral distress and moral injury, discuss the effects of moral injury in healthcare and review methods to prevent and address moral injury. Register for the webinar.
On May 24, 2023, AOGME held a webinar featuring Nicholas Elwert, DO, MS, Assistant Professor, Stroke Rehabilitation Program Director and Associate Program Director of the Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Residency Program at University of Kentucky HealthCare, who discussed the importance of virtual networking, how to be effective with social media, the dos and don’ts in the virtual world and the basics of the virtual interviewing process. View the webinar recording.
Monthly Membership Discussions
Join us on Wednesday, June 21 at 4:00 PM ET for the next monthly AOGME Membership discussion opportunity. This is an opportunity to connect with peers and raise topics for feedback or discussion. Please contact us at if you have any questions or have not received a meeting invitation.
Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with direct inquires by emailing or calling us at 301-657-7881.
Thank you,
Sandra Snyder, DO
Chair, AOGME