Celebration of the Residency Match; 2023 AOGME Annual Business Meeting
Published March 30, 2023
By Sandra Snyder, DO
March 30, 2023
Congratulations to all those who participated in this year’s National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) match! This year’s match resulted in an all-time high in the number of residency positions and participants. Overall, programs and medical students had a successful match, the highest to-date for osteopathic medical students with a record-setting 91.6 percent match rate.
US DO seniors saw an increase in participation of 7,436 participants, an increase of 133 and a match rate of 91.6 percent, a 0.3 percent increase from 2022 and an all-time high in the NRMP match. The match rate for DO graduates is at 47.9 percent, a slight decrease from last year. Read the AOGME analysis report.
AOGME Celebration of AACOM's 125th Anniversary
AOGME leadership are making plans to mark AACOM’s 125th anniversary and to thank our members for 6 years of support as part of AACOM. Stay tuned for further details.
NRMP Call for Public Comment: Rank Order List (ROL) Lock Functionality for Programs
The NRMP’s Call for Public Comment on the Rank Order List Lock functionality for programs was robustly discussed during the March AOGME Monthly Membership Discussion meeting. We want your input on this topic, so please email your feedback to us at aogme@aacom.org. The public comment period closes on April 19, 2023.
AOGME Council of GME Leaders’ Forums on GME Growth & Development
Thank you to all of the speakers and participants who joined us in the Forums on GME Growth & Development!
In an effort to expand AOGME’s role in supporting GME growth and development among COMs and residency programs, the AOGME Council of GME Leaders hosted the Forums on GME Growth & Development. Recordings are now available for the previous sessions, with the recording for Dr. Ward Stevens' (Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine Affiliated Academic Practices) available soon:
- Dr. Lisa Nash (UNTHSC/TCOM)
- Dr. Natalie Nevins & Dr. May Lin (TUCOM-CA)
- Dr. Richard LaBaere II (ATSU-KCOM)
- Dr. Joseph Hardy (TUNCOM)
- Dr. Sondra Jepson & Dr. John Dougherty (Noorda-COM)
- Dr. Thomas Boyle, Dr. Perry Marshall, Ms. Patricia Krohmer, Ms. Lilia Wilson & Dr. Melanie Violand (CCOM)
AOGME Webinar Series
AOGME Webinar Recording Available
On March 8, 2023, Tyra Fainstad, MD, presented an important session on imposter syndrome, where she unpacked unhelpful habits like perfectionism that ironically end up sabotaging your learners. As a certified professional life coach who has built a coaching curriculum to decrease burnout for medical trainees called Better Together, Dr. Fainstad feels passionate about mitigating this toxic syndrome. View the webinar recording.
Upcoming AOGME Webinars
Join us on June 28, 2023, at 4:00 PM ET, for a webinar with Shiby Abraham, MD, on physician burnout and moral injury. Since COVID, there has been more talk and concern about clinician burnout. However, many physicians feel their burnout is due to moral injury. Moral injury differs from burnout, as it is damage done to one's conscience rather than resilience. In this webinar, Dr. Abraham will help you understand how moral injury affects clinicians' overall wellbeing and their patients. Register for the webinar.
2023 AOGME Awards & Collegium of Fellows Induction Reception at EL23
Join us next month on April 26–28 in Baltimore, Maryland, at Educating Leaders 2023 (EL23), the AACOM Annual Conference. AOGME cordially invites you to attend the 2023 AOGME Awards & Collegium of Fellows Induction Reception on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 6:30 PM ET at EL23, where we will honor this year's AOGME Award recipients and Collegium of Fellows inductees. Complimentary refreshments and hors d'oeuvres will be served. All EL23 attendees are welcome to attend the ceremony, but space is limited. Please RSVP by tomorrow, March 31, 2023.
2023 AOGME Annual Business Meeting
Join us on Wednesday, April 19 at 3:00–4:00 PM ET for the 2023 AOGME Annual Business Meeting via Zoom videoconference. The meeting will include announcements of the new AOGME Board members and council leadership. AOGME Award recipients and Collegium of Fellows inductees will also be recognized. A calendar invitation for the meeting has been disseminated to all AOGME members. Please contact us at aogme@aacom.org if you have not received the meeting invitation or have any questions.
We are excited to welcome new members who recently joined AOGME!
Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with direct inquires by emailing aogme@aacom.org or calling us at 301-657-7881.
Thank you,
Sandra Snyder, DO
Chair, AOGME