Residents and Fellows Council Emerging Physicians Leadership Series; GME Funding & Growth

Published August 31, 2022


Sandra Snyder

By Sandra Snyder, DO
AOGME Chair 

Thank you for making the fourth AACOM/AOGME Virtual Residency Fair a success! The virtual residency fair took place on August 5 and featured 99 graduate medical education programs across 17 specialties and 27 states. This year, we had over 600 live participants, a record number of sponsors and educational programming available during the virtual fair. We thank all of you for supporting this effort and our sponsors for supporting the virtual fair.

AOGME Membership Activities

This has been a busy month for AOGME as the Board and several groups and committees convened to discuss strategic plans for the new membership year. The Council of GME Leaders convened to discuss strategies to collaborate and share strategies to develop and grow GME. The Digital Resource Library Editorial Board, the Education Committee and the Residents and Fellows Council (RFC) convened this month to discuss plans for 2022-2023. The RFC launched its Emerging Physicians Video Series to provide osteopathic residents and fellows with tools to advance their careers and to influence change at their organizations.   Through on-demand talks featuring distinguished leaders in medicine, emerging physician leaders will deepen their understanding of key topics designed to help fine-tune leadership skills, expand knowledge and provide guidance on academic careers. Learn more about the series and share with your learners!

Finally, the AOGME membership met along with the Council on Residency Placement and members of the Advance OGME listserv to discuss the NRMP Two Phase Match process. Feedback from this discussion informed AACOM’s comments to the NRMP during its open comment period which concludes on Friday, September 2, 2022. We encourage you to also provide your individual/organizational feedback to the NRMP.

GME Funding Opportunity & AOGME Focus on GME Growth & Development

AOGME seeks to expand its role in supporting GME growth and development among colleges of osteopathic medicine and residency programs. As part of this effort, the AOGME Council of GME Leaders is hosting forums on strategies to develop and grow graduate medical education (GME) programs/positions. GME leaders across the nation’s colleges of osteopathic medicine will share their strategies, ideas, challenges and solutions to start and expand GME programs. The information and narratives shared during the Forums on GME Growth & Development will be valuable to AACOM’s efforts to support GME growth and development at COMs and explore opportunities for collaboration. The first forum will be held on September 20, 2022. If interested in sharing your experiences starting and growing GME and participating in these forums, email us at

On October 5, AOGME will feature Dr. Meaghan Ruddy of The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education, as she shares their experience with the Teaching Health Center Graduate Medical Education (THCGME) program. The Wright Center for Graduate Medical Education is one of the first and largest THCGME organizations in the nation. Learn more and register.

As a reminder, the HRSA Teaching Health Center GME program has issued another grant opportunity to support the training of residents in primary care residency programs in community-based ambulatory patient care centers. This program prepares physician and dental residents to provide high-quality care, particularly in rural and underserved communities, and develop competencies to serve these diverse populations. Eligible entities are Community-based ambulatory patient care centers that sponsor an accredited primary care residency program. HRSA anticipates awarding approximately $18.4 million to approximately 28 recipients through this funding opportunity. The application deadline is Tuesday, October 18, 2022. View the grant opportunity for complete eligibility information.

AOGME Webinar Series

This month, we hosted a webinar to better understand healthcare IT through the lens of the  Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). The webinar featured Thomas Keane, MD who provided an overview of the ONC and how it fits into the architecture of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Next month, the AOGME will host two webinars:

  • On September 14 at 3:00 PM ET, the AOGME will host a webinar on GME well-being in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic featuring Dr. Jonathan Ripp, Professor of Medicine, Dean for Well-Being & Resilience and Chief Wellness Officer at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
  • On September 19 at 7:00 PM ET, the RFC Executive Board will host a panel discussion on residency interviewing and tips for the match which is part of their annual series on the transition to residency.

The AOGME Education Committee has planned webinars for the remainder of the 2022 and early 2023 which include webinars on professional identity formation and the transition to residency. View upcoming webinars.

We thank all who have renewed their 2022-2023 AOGME membership! If you still need to renew, please take a moment to renew your membership today.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with direct inquires by emailing  or calling us at 301-657-7881.