AACOM/AOGME Virtual Residency Fair; GME in Rural, Medically Underserved Areas/Populations

Published July 28, 2021

2021 AOGME Chair

Dr. Thomas Mohr -100px

July 28, 2021

This month kicks off our 2021-2022 regular membership cycle and this week the AOGME board will hold a virtual retreat to review and discuss our mission, goals, and objectives. We hope to share these with you within the next few weeks and seek your ideas and expertise as we work to execute key initiatives.

We are thrilled to partner with the ACGME for next year's ACGME/AOGME Osteopathic Recognition Pre-Conference which will be held on February 24, 2022, at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, FL. For a second year, a Call for Sessions was distributed for the pre-conference. We encourage you to submit proposals by Friday, July 30, 2021, 11:59 PM CT.

AACOM/AOGME Virtual Residency Fair

The third AACOM/AOGME Virtual Residency Fair will take place on August 6, 2021, 1:00-9:00 PM ET. Over 75 institutions with several programs from a variety of specialties have registered for the fair. We look forward to seeing you at the fair!

Rural, Medically Underserved Areas/Populations

This month, we featured a webinar by Laney McDougal, Director of Medically Underserved Areas/Populations (MUA/P) and GME at the ACGME. Ms. McDougal presented on the ACGME’s rural track program designation and ACGME’s framework's goal of expanding GME into rural and underserved areas. Dr. Lorenzo Pence, SVP Osteopathic Accreditation at the ACGME, also participated in the webinar and responded to attendee questions. The webinar recording and slides are now available.

As a follow-up, AOGME will hold a webinar on August 25 at 4:00 PM ET entitled ‘The RTT Collaborative: Giving Voice to Rural GME and Rural Communities’ featuring Dr. Randall Longenecker. Dr. Longenecker will discuss the unique aspects of accreditation, governance, finance and community engagement in rural GME which is essential to the effective development and sustainability of rural residency programs in any specialty. As Executive Director for the nationwide cooperative of rural programs anchored at Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Randall Longenecker brings the expertise of a distributed community of rural tracks and programs in specifically addressing concerns around program design, financial projections, and the unique challenges of accreditation for rural programs. Register for the webinar.

Sharing Member Stories
We hope you have enjoyed featured articles and videos over the past few months that highlight our members and their work to advance osteopathic medicine. View this month’s featured article which highlights previous Residents and Fellows Council Board members, Dr. DeSimone, Dr. Hamm, and Dr. Krajcik, who are now newly practicing physicians. In June, Dr. Sandra Snyder, AOGME Chair-elect  was featured for efforts to transform family medicine through the Transformative Care Continuum (TCC) program. In May, RFC Executive Board Member, Dr. Jordan Spencer, DO, a third-year internal medicine and psychiatry resident physician, and Tanner Dowell a first-year student at the Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine of Midwestern University were featured during Mental Health Awareness Month. If you would like to share a story or if you are willing to be featured in an article about your work, please email us at aogme@aacom.org.

Thank you to all the regular cycle members (July-June) who renewed their membership. If you have not renewed yet, please take a moment to renew your 2021-2022 AOGME membership today.

Please feel free to reach out to us at any time with direct inquires by emailing aogme@aacom.org  or calling us at 301-657-7881.

Thank you,

Thomas Mohr, MS, DO, FACOI, FAOGME