Apply for AACOM Research Grant on Interviewing for Residency

Apr 20, 2023, 12:19 by Austin Wetmore
This research grant opportunity seeks to collect data and analysis on the impact of interview format, such as virtual interviewing, on learners, residency programs, different specialties and the overall transition to residency.

Research Grant Proposals Due May 31, 2023

AACOM supports research efforts and continued dialogue at graduate medical education (GME) and undergraduate medical education (UME) institutions on the impact of virtual interviewing and other interview formats on the transition to residency.

This research grant opportunity seeks to collect data and analysis on the impact of interview format, such as virtual interviewing, on learners, residency programs, different specialties and the overall transition to residency. AACOM is particularly interested in virtual interviewing data and research of osteopathic medical students and students in distributed models of clinical education, underrepresented minorities in medicine and residency programs in community-based, medically underserved rural and urban settings. Data on the impact of interview format on match outcomes and overall experience/preference by interview type are encouraged.

Available Awards

Up to $5,000 for a single-program study or small collaborative study within a single institution across multiple programs. Each grant will be for a period of 12 months and will not be renewable. Required project updates and a final project summary must be submitted to AACOM at intervals outlined in the award letters. Residents in GME programs are encouraged to apply and/or be involved in the effort.


Must be affiliated with a GME program/institution or UME institution.

Proposal Document

Research proposals should include:

  • Specific research aims
  • Background and significance
  • Statement of specific research question
  • Research design and methods
  • Plan for ‘publication’ of results (journal submission or AACOM Annual Meeting presentation proposal)
  • Literature cited
  • Biographical sketch of principal investigator(s)
  • Budget – Provide a budget justification
    • Travel budget must clearly state how the travel directly relates to your proposed research and include a cost breakdown
    • Include only direct costs related to the research project
    • Capital expenditures (including investigator or staff salaries), rent/utilities or any other indirect costs are not allowable
Support Documents
  • Letter(s) of commitment from department chair(s) (and external collaborator(s) if relevant)
  • Approval by institution’s research office (from each institution involved in study)

Please send RFP to