GME Development Series Webinar: Community Engagement: Program Development and Sustainability for Rural GME Programs

February 5, 2025 4:00 PM

AOGME Recorded Webinar GME Development

Robust community engagement is essential to the development and sustainability of a rural program in graduate medical education. This requires more than a Community Needs Assessment or even a few informational stakeholder meetings. To engage in developing and sustaining a program ‘with’ the community requires an asset-based, collaborative approach that is mutually respectful, transparent and iterative. The presenter engaged the audience in exploring what counts as an asset, review a tool for documenting assets and capacity for health professions training and outline a process for iterative community engagement through program development, subsequent implementation, maintenance and refinement.

Webinar Objectives:

  • Identify friends and stakeholders in your local community important to the development of a residency program 
  • Use the asset-based TREES tool to engage them in developing an asset and capacity inventory of your community for this purpose
  • Articulate several ongoing engagement and relationship strategies for sustaining and growing programs, and for addressing challenges over time


  • Randall Longenecker, MD, Assistant Dean Emeritus Rural and Underserved Programs, Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine

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