Academic Career Pathways / Clinical Education Leaders Series: How to Become a Chief Resident

December 5, 2024 7:00 PM

AOGME Recorded Webinar CORP Recorded Webinar

Hosted by the AOGME Residents and Fellows Council (RFC), this webinar provides information and tips for becoming a chief resident from a panel of RFC members that includes a current family medicine chief resident and a recently graduated pathology chief resident.

Target Audiences: Medical students and junior residents


  • Highlight benefits of serving as a chief resident
  • Describe what a chief resident is
  • Discuss the roles and responsibilities of a chief resident (clinical, administrative, others)
  • Highlight required skills and characteristics chief residents should possess
  • Identify pathways to becoming a chief resident


  • Linda Logan, DO, RFC Chair, Breast/GYN Pathology Clinical Instructor, Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC
  • Maria Jones, DO, RFC Vice Chair, PGY-4 Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine, ChristianaCare Health System


  • Cassandra Smith, DO, Current Chief Resident, PGY-3 Family Medicine, Northwestern McGaw Family Medicine at Lake Forest
  • Rosemary Mattaino, DO, MS, Recently Graduated Chief Resident, Cytopathology Fellow, PGY-5, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The University of Vermont Medical Center