Abstract Information

Call for Abstracts

The abstract submission period for Educating Leaders 2025, the AACOM Annual Conference, will open in August. Presenters will have their work recognized during the nation’s premier osteopathic medical education event, from April 9 to 11, 2025, in Arlington, Texas.

This year's conference has six distinct audience tracks. Audience tracks include:

  1. Admissions
  2. UME - Pre-Clinical Education
  3. UME - Clinical Education
  4. UME-GME Continuum
  5. Graduate Medical Education
  6. OME General Interest

Abstract Themes

To facilitate the organization of similar subjects, we have developed themes recognizing that certain topics may align with multiple themes. Choose the theme description that best suits your presentation, and do not hesitate to explore beyond the sub-bullets, as we encourage diverse and innovative discussions.

NEW: The Power of Osteopathic Medicine: Principles in Practice
Osteopathic tenets are the guiding principles of osteopathic medicine, focusing on a holistic approach to healthcare. This theme invites submissions on how these core tenets are implemented in clinical practice, education, and research to enhance patient outcomes. Submissions must specify which tenet is being addressed and highlight innovative applications, emphasizing their effect on patient care and overall well-being.

NEW: Healthcare Horizons: Adapting OME to Global Changes
Explore the intersections of technological advancements (including artificial intelligence), environmental threats and international practices on health. This theme aims to present forward-looking perspectives that highlight critical global health issues and sustainable practices, preparing healthcare educators and students to effectively respond to the evolving global healthcare landscape.

Advancing Learning: Innovative Curriculum and Assessment Strategies
Encapsulate innovative curriculum development, teaching methodologies, assessment techniques, and educational strategies across various academic levels. This theme offers insights into creating engaging and effective learning experiences for learners, including GME.

Amplifying OME: Shaping Healthcare Policy and Education
Elevate the presence and impact of osteopathic medicine and osteopathic medical education within key external circles, including federal and regulatory bodies and health policy groups. This theme aims to enhance the recognition of osteopathic principles and secure a pivotal role for osteopathic practitioners in driving healthcare and medical education forward.

Building Healthier Communities: Collaborations in Healthcare Delivery
Discover how healthcare professionals work together with a focus on interprofessional education, addressing social determinants of health, managing epidemics, and fostering community partnerships to promote healthcare equity. The theme underscores the importance of partnerships in tackling both wide-ranging and specific healthcare challenges.

Inclusion in Action: Building Cultural Competence in OME
Promote a diverse and inclusive workplace through IDEAL (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Leadership) initiatives in the OME. This theme aims to equip educators to effectively engage with diverse cultures, enhancing communication and collaboration, enriching learning experiences, improving outcomes, and preparing graduates for a globalized world.

Empowering Educators: Professional Development, Leadership, and Scholarship
Enhance educator skills through professional development, leadership training, mentorship, and career progression. This theme aims to highlight initiatives to improve teaching, foster innovation, and enhance the research process, covering ethics, funding, data sharing, and methodology.

Expanding Osteopathic GME: Access and Excellence
Delve into the development of GME programs that use data-driven strategies and address financial, and accreditation needs for underserved areas. This theme highlights innovative recruitment methods to build comprehensive training environments that attract and retain top talent, ultimately enhancing and expanding osteopathic graduate medical education.

Next-Generation Recruitment: Medical Student Selection Strategies
Leverage technology and artificial intelligence to enhance medical schools' ability to identify and enroll top talent. This theme integrates solid advising approaches, emphasizes inclusivity, and innovative educational pathways, streamlining the process of preparing a diverse cohort of future healthcare leaders.

Ready for Residency: Preparing Graduates for Successful Transitions
Spotlight strategies to prepare graduates for residency, including evaluating readiness, remediation efforts, and navigating the match. This theme aims to ensure graduates are well-prepared for residency and attractive to GME programs.  

Thriving Together: Well-Being Initiatives for Learners and Leaders
Highlight efforts to address mental health and nutritional health, and to provide personal counseling and well-being programming for students and faculty. This theme aims to foster a culture of well-being throughout the learning environment by focusing on both individual and systemic improvements.

Submission Guidelines

Research Abstracts

Research abstracts are grounded in theory and apply to, or build upon, previous research. The investigation produces generalizable knowledge to something that could be applied outside of a single institution with an aim to publish or publicize the data. Use this guide to help you outline your “research” abstract submission.

Submit a Research Abstract if you have:

  • Conducted innovative research valuable to the osteopathic medical community;
  • Researched or evaluated educational practices with results that can be applied to a college of osteopathic medicine or postgraduate training program; or
  • Undertaken scholarly work aligned with the conference themes.

Research Guide (pdf)

Other Abstract

Other abstracts are evaluations describing a change to a current way of doing things that results in better outcomes, or, an approach to a challenge faced in osteopathic medical education. These evaluations may be reported to stakeholders as information for decision-making. Use this guide to help you outline your “other” abstract submission.

Submit an Other Abstract if you have:

  • Developed a novel osteopathic medical education program;
  • Identified or overcome obstacles in the training of future osteopathic physicians; or
  • Gained meaningful insight into learners’ progress along the continuum of osteopathic medical education.

Other Guide (pdf)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a fee to submit an abstract?
No, if your abstract is accepted, presenters must register for the conference for which there is a fee.

Who is eligible to submit abstracts for Educating Leaders?
Submitters should be from within the academic medical education community. Potential sponsors and exhibitors should contact sponsorship@aacom.org for submission opportunities.

How do I request a mentor to review my abstract?
Students should ask their research mentor for assistance. All other submitters may request to have a member of the National Academy of Osteopathic Medical Educators (NAOME) review through September 30, 2024. Request a NAOME Mentor.

Where can I find more detail on the difference between a Research Abstract and an Other Abstract and the complete details for each?
We encourage you to download the abstract guides before you begin to ensure you are clear on the audience and themes. These guides are available to view and/or print:
Research abstract printable guide
Other abstract printable guide
Detailed overview on Tracks, Themes & Types 

When I copy and paste text from MS Word into the abstract portal, unwanted text appears. What can I do?
MS Word often includes formatting code in the copy process. To resolve, paste as plain text using Ctrl+Shift+V.

Will my abstract be published? Can I submit for publication after I present?
AACOM does not have a journal, and Educating Leaders is not a  scientific meeting, so conference abstracts are not published annually.

If your abstract is accepted, you can list this on your CV as a peer-reviewed poster or presentation. Abstracts are peer-reviewed by reviewers who are Fellows of the National Academy of Osteopathic Medical Educators and/or the Assembly of Osteopathic Graduate Medical Educators.

Presentation at the AACOM conference does not prevent you from submitting a manuscript based on your poster or presentation to a journal.

Can projects with only preliminary data be submitted as an abstract?
Yes, in the brief description state that you are sharing preliminary data and, in the results section, specify when the results are expected so that reviewers can assess if you will have enough data in time to prepare your presentation. If you are seeking feedback on the preliminary data, please make that clear too. 

Will CME be available?
Yes, additional details will be available in February 2025.

More questions?
Please contact us at annualconf@aacom.org