AACOM’s Government Relations Department Hosts Sessions at Educating Leaders
Published April 29, 2024
By AACOM Government Relations
Advocacy Federal Policy GME Healthcare Workforce Higher Education OME Advocate Osteopathic Recognition Osteopathic Representation Osteopathic Research
AACOM held its annual Educating Leaders conference to a sold-out crowd in Kansas City, Missouri from April 17-19, 2024. The AACOM Government Relations Department provided updates on a variety of osteopathic medical education (OME) policy priorities and highlighted opportunities for the OME community to use their voice to shape the policy process. David Bergman, JD, senior vice president of government relations and health affairs, presented on federal policy solutions to expanding clinical training opportunities, including through the Community Training, Education, and Access for Medical Students (Community TEAMS) Act. Trey Hines (pictured), associate director of government relations, covered ways to address DO residency discrimination through the federal policy process.