FY24 Spending Bill Continues AACOM-Requested Language for More Osteopathic Research and Representation at NIH
Published April 01, 2024
By AACOM Government Relations
Advocacy Appropriations Federal Policy OME Advocate Osteopathic Recognition Osteopathic Representation Osteopathic Research
Congress continues to recognize the importance of osteopathic medicine and the benefits of osteopathic research and representation within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through the fiscal year (FY) 2024 funding bill:
The Committee recognizes that increased access to research funding for the osteopathic profession will significantly bolster NIH’s capacity to support robust recovery from the COVID–19 pandemic, address health disparities in rural and medically-underserved populations, and advance research in primary care, prevention, and treatment. The Committee urges NIH to consider how best to incorporate colleges of osteopathic medicine into research activities and involvement of their researchers on NIH National Advisory Councils and study sections to have better representation of the osteopathic medicine field.
This language was sought by AACOM and builds on legislation from past appropriations cycles. AACOM’s comprehensive strategy to expand osteopathic research and representation at the NIH began in 2020 and has resulted in language in Labor, Health and Human Service, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHSE) reports over the past three years, as well as a bipartisan, bicameral letter to NIH from 27 Members of Congress. To learn more about funding for other programs of importance to the osteopathic medical education (OME) community, please read the policy section below and review AACOM’s detailed analysis.