Senate Committee Releases Pandemic Preparedness Discussion Draft

Published July 10, 2023

By AACOM Government Relations

Advocacy Federal Policy Healthcare Workforce OME Advocate Public Health Emergency Response

  • On July 3, 2023, the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) released its bipartisan Discussion Draft to reauthorize the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA), a bill to help the United States prepare for the next public health emergency (PHE).
  • AACOM submitted comments in response to the discussion draft amplifying the need for permanent eligibility for health professions students to administer vaccinations during a PHE, an effort led by AACOM-spearheaded Students Assist America. AACOM also recommended inclusion of OME experts on relevant national advisory committees.
  • In March 2023, HELP had requested stakeholder input to address PAHPA policies, and AACOM provided initial comments urging the importance of a robust physician workforce among other priorities.
  • While the HELP Committee continues consideration of its draft bill, the House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee is planning to mark up its PAHPA reauthorization legislation on July 13.