Engagement and Resources

Published May 02, 2023

By AACOM Government Relations

Advocacy Appropriations Awards Federal Policy Financial Aid GME OME Advocate

AACOM Government Relations Hosts Advocacy Sessions at Educating Leaders: Last week, AACOM held its annual Educating Leaders conference in Baltimore, Maryland reaching record-breaking attendance. AACOM’s Government Relations Department led two panels focused on the latest events on Capitol Hill and recent AACOM priorities and victories. Featuring OME leaders, policy experts and student advocates, these panels highlighted why it’s essential that all members of the OME community use their voices to provide input and shape policy during all stages of the process. Learn more about Fighting for OME and Winning: Why Osteopathic Medicine Can and Must Advocate for Itself and Washington Needs Help: How Osteopathic Medical Students Are Blazing a New Trail for OME Advocacy.

MU-COM to Administer HRSA Grant for Residency Program: A $500,000 HRSA grant will support the establishment of a family medicine residency program at Indiana Health Centers. The program will be developed and implemented by Marian University Tom and Julie Wood College of Osteopathic Medicine. Learn more.

HCOP New Funding Opportunity: The Health Careers Opportunities Program (HCOP) provides opportunities for people from economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to develop their skills to compete for, enter and graduate from health or allied health professions schools. HRSA will award approximately $13.5 million to fund up to 21 grants for five years. To check eligibility status and navigate the application process, view the funding notice. Applications are due May 24, 2023.