Trigger Points and Muscle Chains in Osteopathy

October 27, 2008

By Eric Hebgen, DO; Philipp Richter, DO

Article/Textbook/Report Medical Student Osteopathic History & Principles Other Health Care Professional Practicing Osteopathic Medicine Practicing Physician Resident/Fellow Under $500

This is a comprehensive resource on trigger point treatment. The first part of the text presents a spectrum of muscle chain and myofascial chain models and informs the reader on the physiology of the myofascial system and the biomechanics of the craniosacral system. The second part of the text discusses the classification, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of trigger points. 

Trigger Points and Muscle Chains in Osteopathy is a detailed guide on the assessment and management of myofascial structures and trigger points and an important tool for all practitioners interested in integrating manual treatment techniques into pain management.