Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques

January 01, 2008

By Alexander Nicholas, DO, FAAO; Evan Nicholas, DO

Article/Textbook/Report Medical Student Osteopathic History & Principles Practicing Osteopathic Medicine Practicing Physician Resident/Fellow Under $500

Through advancements in medical knowledge, there has been a vast expansion in the number of diagnostic and treatment techniques considered to be a part of osteopathic treatment. 

This textbook is an updated, comprehensive atlas of the most commonly used and clinically effective osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) techniques. It contains color photos for every procedural step of each technique, accompanied by descriptive text. 

Atlas of Osteopathic Techniques is a great reference source that physicians and medical students will find highly useful for exam preparations and in the clinic setting. In the third edition, several techniques have been added and modified. There are also new video illustrations of certain techniques.