AOGME Membership
Why Join?
AOGME is the only professional membership that is solely focused on supporting and advancing osteopathic graduate medical education (GME). It is the professional home and assembly for the osteopathic GME community. AOGME provides leadership and tools to assist osteopathic educators in developing physicians who achieve excellence in patient care. We are committed to supporting our members as they strive each day to serve the osteopathic profession in every aspect of their education.
Who Should Join?
Members of AOGME include GME professionals and medical educators with an interest in and connected to osteopathic GME, including:
- Directors of osteopathic education (DOEs)
- Designated institutional officials (DIOs)
- Directors of medical education (DMEs)
- Program directors
- Osteopathic track directors
- Faculty in GME programs with Osteopathic Recognition
- COM faculty with a link to GME
- Residents and fellows
- Program coordinators
- Accreditation staff
- Administrators
- Other GME leadership & staff
AOGME Informational Session Video
View the video recording below for more information on what AOGME membership has to offer to you!
Member Testimonials
AOGME offers the comprehensive educational programs and initiatives GME educators need.
AACOM is a member organization of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), Federation of Associations of Schools of the Health Professions (FASHP), Coalition on Physician Accountability (CPA), Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC), the Panamerican Federation of Associations of Medical Schools (FEPAFEM-PAFAMS) and more. AACOM is a sponsor of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience.
- Professional development—ability to serve in national leadership roles, serve in elected office and vote
- Professional designation—opportunity to apply to be a Fellow of AOGME (FAOGME) and participate in the Collegium of Fellows, an assembly of members who are honored and recognized annually
- Continuing medical education (CME) credits—opportunities to receive credits throughout the year with in-person and online curricula
- National conferences and meetings—featuring the AACOM annual conference, Educating Leaders, held in Washington, DC, each spring
- Member discounts—professional development, conferences and leadership programs
- Webinars—access to complimentary monthly webinars on GME-related topics
- Programs and funding opportunities—including research grants, leadership development and prestigious awards
- Leadership—representation on AOA and AACOM councils and committees (not applicable for Associate members)
- Networking—national collaborations with fellow health professions associations, social media platforms and employment connections
- Discussion groups—member access to AACOM Communities, a dynamic online discussion forum offering tools to help members connect and collaborate
AACOM leads congressional and federal regulatory advocacy efforts on behalf of its AOGME members and partners with national associations to present a unified health professions position to policymakers.
- Osteopathic representation—advocates for osteopathic physicians and osteopathic medical educators to serve on federal committees and advisory boards to ensure the representation of the profession
- Graduate medical education—actively works to advance programs designed to better prepare physicians for quality care of patients and to improve the health of communities in the 21st century. Federal GME funding is critical to ensure the stability and continuity of the nation’s medical residency training programs that produce future physicians and the healthcare system that provides care to our nation’s citizens
- Physician workforce—strongly supports federal healthcare workforce policies intended to ensure an adequately trained physician workforce to meet heathcare needs in the 21st century
- Medical student federal financial aid—advocates for federal graduate education policies that invest in the future physician workforce and address medical student loan debt
- OME Advocate—the biweekly e-newsletter keeping members and partners informed of the policy discussions that impact osteopathic medical education
AOGME provides timely GME updates through robust content and research.
- Members-only content—go-to resources for GME information, resources and sample documents and forms
- E-newsletters—including the monthly e-newsletter, OGME Now, and bi-weekly e-newsletters, Inside OME and OME Advocate, highlighting industry news and timely information from members and others in the osteopathic medical education field
- Research—providing meaningful data on students and graduates of colleges of osteopathic medicine and reports on GME

AOGME Residents and Fellows Council (RFC)
7700 Old Georgetown Road, Suite 250, Bethesda, MD, 20814

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(301) 657-7881