Membership Benefits

Our Members
AACOM is an institutional membership organization; our mission is to meet the needs of all colleges of osteopathic medicine (COMs) across the United States.
As part of that mission, we offer a wealth of resources to the entire osteopathic medical education community, including:
- COM deans, faculty, administrators and staff
- Current, future or graduated osteopathic medical students
- GME professionals and educators
- DO residents and fellows
Anyone employed at or attending a U.S. college of osteopathic medicine may benefit from our leadership, scholarship and professional development opportunities.
Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (COMs)
AACOM Institutional membership includes:
- AACOM's centralized application service, for prospective osteopathic medical students
Each year AACOMAS processes more than 212,000 applications on behalf of its member colleges - Detailed college listing in AACOM's Choose DO Explorer database for prospective medical school applicants
- Collaboration opportunities with colleagues, deans and leaders from other colleges of osteopathic medicine (COMs) through formal and informal networking meetings and listservs
- COM recruitment event marketing on the AACOM website
- Representation in the academic osteopathic medical education (OME) community
- Advocacy and representation on Capitol Hill on issues impacting osteopathic medicine and OME as well as in-person and virtual AACOM-sponsored federal advocacy opportunities
- Access to vital data and research reports such as AACOM's Annual Osteopathic Medical School Questionnaire
- Leadership programs, research grants, award and presentation opportunities for COM faculty, staff and students
- Shared resources for COMs, faculty and students, including well-being interventions and academic programs such as Curriculum Assessment and Improvement and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
- Discounted exhibits at Educating Leaders, the AACOM Annual Conference, the largest event in osteopathic medical education for networking and professional development
- Access to AACOM Job Connection for faculty and staff recruitment
- Exclusive, free or discounted shared services for COM faculty, staff and students (self-activated), including:
- Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC): Careers in Medicine, Financial Information, Resources, Services and Tools and the Visiting Student Learning Opportunities database
- International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE): learning sessions and the Medical Science Educator Journal
- Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB): discounted use of physician database for credentialing your preceptors
- Up-to-date critical news and information through newsletters highlighting relevant activities and accomplishments within and impacting the profession
COM Deans, Faculty, Administrators & Staff
GME Professionals & Educators
Benefits for COM Deans, Faculty, Administrators & Staff and GME Professionals and Educators include:
Faculty and staff employed by an AACOM member institution enjoy their own benefits, which include:
- Access to AACOM Communities, our online community where members can exchange knowledge, resources and solutions
- Participation in AACOM’s councils and committees, and other groups that provide critical information, knowledge and support to advance AACOM's mission
- Professional development resources including webinars, leadership institutes, grants and award opportunities, the AACOM Job Connection (career center)
- Faculty advice and mentoring from other COMs for teaching, student advising and professional and career advancement, through networking events, webinars, listservs, and participation in AACOM governance bodies
- Shared curricular resources like virtual courses, common syllabi, and groups on implementation of EPAs and the development of competencies
- Eligibility for recognition by and membership in the National Academy of Osteopathic Medical Educators, an academic fellowship of accomplished osteopathic medical educators
- CME credit and networking opportunities. Learn from and network with leaders in osteopathic medical education (OME) at Educating Leaders, the AACOM Annual Conference and the largest event in OME, including scholarship and research posters and educational sessions
- Advocacy tools to raise our voice around issues such as graduate medical education (GME) federal funding and parity, osteopathic representation and research, student debt, addressing the physician workforce shortage and other key areas of concern to OME
- Leadership opportunities on committees and councils aligned with individual roles and responsibilities
- Access to AACOM’s latest research on osteopathic medical education trends
- Optional Assembly of Osteopathic Graduate Medical Education (AOGME) membership for a nominal fee. AOGME benefits include:
- Exclusive newsletter for AOGME members
- Complimentary access to monthly webinars
- Additional leadership opportunities
DO Students, Residents & Fellows
DO Students, Residents & Fellows benefits include:
Every student, resident and fellow enrolled at an AACOM Member Institution is entitled to:
- Access to AACOM Communities, our online communities where members can exchange knowledge, resources and solutions
- Student representation through AACOM’s Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents (COSGP)
- Free access to Translating Osteopathic Understanding into Community Health (T.O.U.C.H.) program to track community service hours
- Advocacy tools to raise our voice around issues such as graduate medical education (GME) federal funding and parity, osteopathic representation and research, decreasing student debt, addressing the physician workforce shortage and more
- In-person and virtual advocacy opportunities with federal officials
- Osteopathic Health Policy Internship Program
- Valuable resources like Careers in Medicine and the Matchbook
- Learning and professional development resources, including the AACOM Academic Recognition Program where students can earn a certificate after taking courses focused on diversity, equity and inclusion and social determinants of health
- Scholarships, grants, awards, research and leadership opportunities as well as programs you develop for and with your COMs
- Free admission for students to Educating Leaders, AACOM’s Annual Conference and the largest event in osteopathic medical education for networking and learning, including opportunities to present research posters and scholarship and best practices at educational sessions