Considering Medical School?

Financial Aid & Scholarships
Learn about financial assistance programs & scholarships available to osteopathic medical students.
Choose DO Explorer
Discover the med school that's right for you! Use our database to filter by location, tuition, deadlines and more.
Admissions Requirements
Find out what admissions committees and interviewers are looking for in a prospective medical student.

Prepare for Medical School
This timeline will help you determine what you need to do to prepare for medical school.
See What's Happening at U.S. Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine!
Explore the diverse and enriching campus life experiences available across our medical schools. Check out Campus Roundup, AACOM's exclusive weekly column highlighting current DO student and college activities.
Pre-Health Advisors
Find the tools and resources you need to help your students get into the college of osteopathic medicine of their choice.